Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Authors and Illustrators and books, Oh my!

Today I found some sites for Authors and Illustrators who are doing live get togethers while we are at home.  Some of them are set up so you can watch them later as well.  I posted one of them on the school Facebook page.
Image result for narwhal and jelly
Ben Clanton is doing a FB live video on March 20, at 4:00.  It sounds like fun to go and see what he is planning on drawing.

Mo Willems is also doing some drawing with kids.  I watched part of his video.  Some of them are posted so you can watch them anytime, and you can also watch them live.  His live videos are weekdays at 12:00.
Image result for mo willems

Here is another site that could be fun for you to explore

Scholastic has also opened up things that we can go and read about.

Here Neil Gaiman is reading some of his books for us.

How about storytime from space.  On this site astronauts will read a book to us.  I love this!
Story Time From Space


  1. I watched some videos and read a lot of articals

    1. Great! I am glad that you are checking some of them out. I watched/listened to Scott Kelly read one of the books. I love seeing him in the ISS!


Prayer list

In our prayers for the week of April 27th: Chaz's family Pastor Barbey COVID-19  :  Doctors, nurses, those who are ill, the Pr...